Wednesday, September 13, 2023

9:30am-1:30pm | Los Lagos Golf Course, San Jose, CA
Helping stroke survivors improve their strength, flexibility and balance through golf.

About the Event

It was an amazing free event for stroke survivors at the Los Lagos Golf Course, San Jose, CA, on Wednesday, September 13th.

  • 102 Stroke Survivors
  • 72 Spouses or Caregivers
  • 48 Volunteers
  • 6 Bay Area Hospitals
  • 8 PGA Teaching Pro’s
  • 22 Exhibitors

“Golf 4 Life is the one stroke event I never ever miss, and once again this year was awesome!”

“Mariah Fisher the 17-year-old guest speaker made me cry and cheer. She is such an inspiring young woman who suffered a stroke at age 12…Wow…go Mariah!”

“I didn’t think the event could get better, but you continue to astound.  Fantastic time today.  Thank you for all you do!”

“The therapists, RN’s and volunteers are so helpful, I loved playing 3-Holes of golf, and felt inspired and safe to enjoy the day.”

“The free lunch with linens and real silverware was great; no more plastic boxes of food-yeah, this event makes stroke survivors feel like Champions.”