Medical Disclaimer:

This informational material is not intended to diagnose any medical condition or to replace your healthcare professional.  Please consult your healthcare provider before engaging in these exercises or beginning any exercise program.  Only you and your healthcare providers know your body and limits.  Not all exercises are suitable for all persons.  While participating in any exercise program, there is the possibility of physical injury.  If you experience any pain, soreness, difficulty, weakness, dizziness, chest pain or pressure, nausea, or shortness of breath, immediately stop the exercise and contact your healthcare professional or emergency provider.  Champion the Challenges is not liable for any injury, accident, or health impairment which occurs to any individual viewing its materials or participating in the exercises and techniques demonstrated therein.  Champion the Challenges is not a licensed medical care provider and cannot diagnose, examine, or treat medical conditions of any kind, or determine the effect of any specific exercise or technique on a specific person or medical condition.  Champion the Challenges makes no representations or warranties with regards to the completeness of, or appropriateness of for any specific person or condition, information on its website or any associated or linked websites, classes, books, videos, apps, or other materials.