Deb’s Stroke Timeline
Reliving my stroke timeline was difficult and reminds me of how I needed to push myself to keep improving. It can be a tough journey — you can do it!

A New Set of Challenges
Bob had a business trip to London, and I was determined to go with him. Our caregiver came with us, and I took my wheelchair and walker. My therapists helped me practice exercises to prepare me for getting out of cabs, getting on escalators, and a lot of real-world travel tips that made it possible.
Golf Therapy
This was an attempt to connect my brain to a new exercise that took skill and focus. I surprised myself and I think my golf coach as well.
Keynote Speaker
As the keynote speaker for the Golf4Life Stroke Event, I was honored and inspired to help others. This was the event I introduced my 3 P’s of Stroke Rehabilitation—Reimaged, and it was a big hit.
View BookletReal World Therapy
Our first ever cruise, and Bob and I needed a vacation. This was a great trip, and each day provided a new type of real-world therapy. The vacation included cobblestone streets, stepping onto moving canal boats and lengthy museum walks as we traveled to the Baltic Sea with port visits every few days and three wonderful days of exploring St. Petersburg, Russia.
Wrote Nine Booklets
The booklets are complimentary and are filled with tips and ideas. Many have found them helpful during recovery and for each day of their life. We provide them to stroke survivors as they leave the hospital. Check out the booklets here
Featured on ABC 7 Evening News
A wonderful evening news story on the Foundation and Deb’s stroke experience, and technology insights. This news features helped boost the website visits and interest.
Golf 4 Life
Interviewed by Elizabeth Cook, CBS KPIX 5
Elizabeth Cook interviewed Deb to help inform and educate her followers on the impact of stroke. Highlighting the breakthrough innovations and technology that is available to stroke survivors so they can champion their rehabilitation. Watch the full Instagram Live interview
Tony Robbins Tells Deb’s Story in Life Force
Tom Robbins features Deb’s stroke story in his #1 Best Seller “Life Force” sharing the positive impact Healthcare VR had on her rehabilitation journey. Read the press release.
2022 Stroke Hero Awards: Survivor Hero – Deb Shaw
The Stroke Hero Awards honor those who are educating, inspiring and bringing awareness to stroke in six categories. Deb Shaw is the winner of the 2022 Survivor Hero award.
In the News
Bay area’s Fox 2 KTVU Andre Senior interviews Deb and Bob Shaw regarding the Champion The Challenges foundation and the annual event GOLF 4 LIFE at Los Lagos in San Jose.
Golf 4 Life 2022
Annual Golf 4 Life Event Helps Stroke Survivors Improve Strength, Flexibility, and Balance.
Oct 29th World Stroke Day
Deb Shaw was sponsored by J McLaughlin in Carmel, Palo Alto and Los Gatos as she educated the local communities on B.E.F.A.S.T —A BIG Success.
NBC Bay Area Interview
Garvin Thomas features Deb Shaw & Golf 4 LIFE — Inspiring Stroke Survivors.
Hosted a Valentine’s Day In-Person Stroke Luncheon
Learn more about this and other social gatherings.
Fox 2 KTVU’s Heather Homes is joined by Deb Shaw
Watch Deb and Bob outline the early warning signs of a stroke for Stroke Awareness Month.
Dried Floral Stationary Workshop
GOLF 4 LIFE 2024
September GOLF 4 LIFE 2024, Annual Gathering with 300+ this year the largest ever! Event Details
CBS News, KPIX 5 Jefferson Award Winner
Sharon Chin reports on a couple from the South Bay working to promote stroke rehabilitation. Video
RapidAI + SAF + Champion the Challenges World Stroke Day
How RapidAI is revolutionizing how stokes are diagnosed–World Stroke Day
”“Whatever the mind can conceive
Napoleon Hill
and believe, it can achieve.”